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Why byoGuard?

Clean and Safe Air is More Important than Ever 
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The demand for safe and clean indoor air has never been higher. Epidemiological studies highlight airborne transmission as a significant pathway for the spread of respiratory viruses, and increased mortality has been linked to air pollution.


According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air can be up to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. 



Image by Taylor Brandon


Boosting Productivity and Competitiveness through Environmental Standards

People are the most valuable resource in most organisations, typically accounting for 90 percent of business operating costs.
A 2012 study found that companies that adopt more rigorous environmental standards are associated with increased labour productivity by an average of 16 percent.

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Energy Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality

Operating and maintaining air handling systems are a substantial cost. Properties consume up to 50% of their energy directly from air handling services that include expensive filters, which also require periodic replacement. 


As property owners are increasingly required to show ESG ratings before they can lease space, this is an important area to manage efficiently.


byoGuard's managed solutions can help by lowering energy consumption and helping to extend the life of air handling unit assets. 

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Air Duct


Heightened fear of bacterial infection in indoor spaces

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Post Covid-19 there remain elevated concerns over indoor bacterial transmission, particularly person-to-person. Precautionary measures should be implemented for mitigating aerosol transmission at both short and long ranges, with a focus on ventilation, airflows, air filtration and byoGuard solution.


This is required to manage  health risks associated with exposure to indoor air pollutants ranging from minor irritations such as headaches, fatigue and eye irritation, to more serious respiratory problems.    

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